The Skin Care Photo Gallery explores consumerism and the beauty industry's influence on a youth-focused and anti-ageing culture. In her mission to challenge this culture, Vicky Hodgson adopts a light-hearted and humorous approach. She cleverly subverts the 'claims' made by skin care product advertising using Photoshop techniques, props, facial gestures, and even the ingredients listed in skin care products on her face. The humour in Hodgson's work is a crucial element that keeps the audience entertained and engaged. She hopes that the comic response her photographs evoke will draw attention to these products' absurd terminology and promotion. Her focus is not on the effectiveness of the products but on their role in supporting and enhancing a youth-focused and anti-ageing culture. To further enhance the dynamics of her work, Hodgson, in this instance, deviates from the norm of her image presentation and juxtaposes text with imag